Best Way to Dress Up With Men’s Fur Accessories 2018

Posted by on July 07, 2018 . 0 Comments.

Fur lasts for years. Whether you have a fur coat, fur hat or fur scarf, it can be worn ten years later and none will ever look out of place or out of style. There is an enchantingly timeless appeal to fur, especially fur accessories.

Rex Fur Scarf

One of the must-have accessories in fur for men is the fur hat. Winter sets in and you need protection for your head against bitter cold. Fur is ideal in that it is light in weight yet provides the highest levels of comfortable warmth. It can look stylish too. Fur scarves are just as useful for protection as they are for making a fashion statement. Men’s fur accessories from Amifur provide all these at reasonable prices and you get the genuine thing.

Men have plenty of choices in fur hats and scarves. They can choose the material that fits them best. Mink is expensive, plush and goes best with formal as well as casual clothing, endowing a man with oodles of style. Chinchilla is even more exotic and the perfect choice if one wishes to epitomize luxury at its best.

Polecat fur hat - Russian Style

Is it possible to wear fur hats and scarves at the same time? That would depend on the man and whether he can carry it off with aplomb. However, most men will find that wearing just one or the other does things to their looks. Men give them more than a second glance and women do stare for a longer time than is necessary. Fur has that effect. Wear a scarf. It is much more practical. Besides, you can wear it in a number of different ways that are not possible with a hat. A fur hat can, at the most be tipped at different angles around your head. A scarf can be worn around your middle. You can let it loop at the front. You can wind it tightly around your neck or knot it. Men can wear the same scarf every day with different dresses and look different.

It is best to select a scarf that is not too wide and fluffy but take care that it is long enough. This will allow men to wear the scarf in a different way to suit their mood and personality. Men can look classy by adopting the Parisian knot which involves folding the scarf in half both length wise and width wise and bringing one end through the loop formed by the other. A draped scarf, on the other hand goes well with a jacket. You can just drape it so the ends fall in front, wear a jacket and button it up for a simple arrangement.

Raccoon fur collar - unisex

If the hat is the fashion fur accessory of choice then men have the option of letting the ear flaps down when the weather gets cold. If it is not too cold, then the flaps can be tucked under and inside the ushanka. A hat with a visor can make men look a bit different compared to the plain ushanka that just sits around the head. It could be a more stylish option.

Tags: Men’s Fur Accessories, fur hat Last update: July 07, 2018


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